School Districts use Comply to track Annual Reporting Arrest and Convictions (Act 24), Emergency Drills, and the status of Continuing Professional Education Hours!


  • Marion Center Area SD is using Comply to track the Annual Reporting Arrests and Convictions (Act 24) in accordance with the Act 24 of 2011- Pennsylvania Public School Code. Act 24 requires that all school employees complete and return PDE Form 6004 to their school administrator within 72 hours of any arrest or conviction of an offense, listed in Section 111(e). Forms can be uploaded and printed within Comply for a clean and seamless process.


  • Camp Hill SD is using Comply to conduct and track monthly emergency drills. This item recurs each month in the software, ensuring compliance with regulations. A questionnaire can be attached to the item, outlining the details of each emergency drill.


  • Cranberry Area SD is using Comply to track educators’ Continuing Professional Education Status in accordance with Act 48 Professional Education Record Management System (PERMS). Employees are required to regularly check the status of their Act 48 hours, so that they can maintain active certification status. Once educators fulfill their 180 hour requirement, the district requires them to complete a questionnaire in Comply, indicating that all requirements have been met for the five year period.


To learn how you can start tracking clearances, Act 48 hours, and much more with Comply, visit our website Or, to schedule a private demo of Comply, contact us.


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