Differentiated Supervision


For LEAs that implement a Differentiated Supervision cycle, the Differentiated Observation module and workflow within PAETEP can be used in school years when a teacher is not being formally observed.

The Differentiated Observation process is initiated by supervisors. Once initiated, teachers complete and submit an action plan, mid-year update, year-end update, and self-assessment rubric. A post-conference can also be completed, as desired.

Differentiated Supervision Screen

The following Differentiated Supervision options identified by the PDE are available within PAETEP:

  • Peer Coaching Mode – Professional educators work together to define their professional needs that are aligned to Pennsylvania Core Standards. Data collected and results of observations can be documented and shared with principals in the Differentiated Observation within PAETEP, facilitating feedback and discussion.
  • Action Research Mode – Professional employees develop a structured, ongoing reflection of a practice-related issue, using the Framework for Teaching. Professionals complete their action research project and provide ongoing updates in the Differentiated Observation within PAETEP.
  • Portfolio Mode – Professional employees examine their own practice in relation to the Framework for Teaching and document their practice with artifacts and evidence. All findings can be summarized within the Differentiated Observation within PAETEP.
  • Other – Professional educators who use a district-specific Differentiated Supervision model can name their type of supervision and still complete the initial action plan, mid-year updates, end-of-year updates, and evaluation rubrics within PAETEP.

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