News & Updates
How Comply Helps You Meet the Challenges of Managing PDE Training Mandates
Edulink’s Comply simplifies compliance with PDE training mandates like no other platform, saving precious time, eliminating paperwork, and enabling educators and administrators to focus more attention on what they do best.
PDE Requires Act 13 Educator Effectiveness Training for New Employees
To support our Comply clients, Edulink has added four templates to our Comply Software to facilitate the PDE-mandated Act 13 Educator Effectiveness training for new educators.
CLEAN Security Awareness Training
Edulink has integrated a CLEAN Security Awareness Training template into our compliance tracking software, Comply. This feature is part of our commitment to keeping clients informed while simplifying the tracking, management, and completion of mandatory training.
Act 55 Training Courses are Now Available in Comply!
Edulink has built Act 55 school safety and security training courses into our Comply State Mandates and Compliance Tracking Software as templates, allowing Local Education Agencies (LEAs) to easily track, manage, and assign employees to each training course.
How You Can Build Electronic Request Approvals and Save Time!
Do you struggle with managing the number of request forms your school district receives? It’s likely you have a significant amount of paperwork, considering requests for flex hours, field trips, anticipated absences, conferences, tuition reimbursements, not to mention requests for Act 48 hours, are a regular part of your day.
Keeping You On-Track with School Safety and Security
Students have a right to a safe and productive environment in which to learn and grow. Educators are equally deserving of a safe work environment. Required trainings and security measures are now a regular part of school life. Yet, they can be a huge burden to manage.
ESSER Funding Options for PA Educators
PA-ETEP and Comply may have applications related to providing school leaders with resources to continue to address the needs of their schools. Edulink is offering a 5% discount on three-year contracts as an option for districts looking for ways to allocate the new funding.
How Comply is Helping During the Work-from-Home Period
We know it has been a challenge to conduct your day-to-day operations during the COVID-19 pandemic and thought you might appreciate some of the ways that Comply has been helping educators stay on track.
FBI Background Clearance Extension
PDE extends FBI background clearance checks due to COVID-19.
What you need to know about Act 48 and the one-year extension
What you need to know about PA Act 48 and the one-year extension.