PAETEP News & Updates
Welcome to Edulink’s Special ACT 13 Edition PAETEP Newsletter!
With so much information swirling around about Act 13, Edulink has dedicated this Special Edition Newsletter to recap all of the Act 13 updates and how you can use PAETEP to access the tools you need to address the necessary requirements.
New Template Modules
Pennsylvania Act 13 of 2020 made modifications to the Educator Effectiveness process for the 2021-22 school year and beyond. In response to that, Edulink updated PAETEP to fully align with the new requirements, including the addition of the new SPM, IEP, and PPG templates. Users now have access to all of the templates that are required by the state.
Student Performance Measure (SPM) Template
- New template built into PAETEP, accessible under the SLO/SPM/IEP portion of the teacher page
- Should be completed by teachers each school year, unless LEAs have decided to use the SLO again this school year (2021-22).
- The final score earned by the teacher on the SPM constitutes at least 10% of their final summative score on the 13-1 form.
IEP Goals Progress (IEP) Template
- New template built into PAETEP for teachers who need it, accessible under the SLO/SPM/IEP portion of the teacher page. A teacher should consult their LEA regarding the established ‘n’ count to determine if they are required to complete an IEP Goals Progress each school year.
- If required by a teacher, the final score from the IEP Goals Progress will constitute at least 2.5% of their final summative score on the 13-1 form (that is, within the Teacher Specific Data Rating section).
Principal Performance Goals (PPG) Template
- New template built into PAETEP, accessible under the SLO/PPG portion of the Principal/Supervisor’s page.
- Should be completed each school year by principals, assistant/vice principals, directors of career and technical education, and supervisors of special education.
- The final score earned by an administrator on the PPG constitutes 20% of their final summative score on the 13-2 form.
Refreshed Frameworks
Under Act 13, the various frameworks for evaluation were refreshed and revised. Links to the refreshed frameworks are provided throughout PAETEP. The refreshed frameworks are also posted on the Standards Aligned System – Educator Effectiveness website for review. The refreshed frameworks include revised language, discussion prompts, and evidence of practice. It is highly recommended that links, downloads, or printed copies of the refreshed frameworks be shared with your educators so that they have them in-hand when they set goals, plan, teach, and reflect upon their practice. To learn more about the refreshed frameworks and how they connect to users within PAETEP, visit our support article called Educator Effectiveness Refreshed Frameworks.
13 Rating Forms
Under Act 13 there are three types of 13 forms, including the following:
Semi Annual 13 Rating Forms for Temporary Professional Employees (TPE/Non-tenured)
Semi Annual 13 forms should be completed twice per year for Temporary Professional Employees. The Semi Annual rating forms are currently available within PAETEP.
- 13-1 TPE for Teachers
- 13-3 TPE for NTPEs
Annual 13 Rating Forms for Professional Employees (Tenured)
These forms are currently being built into PAETEP and will be available in mid-May. Annual forms are to be completed at the end of each school year on all Professional Employees.
- 13-1 for Teachers
- 13-2 for Building Principals, Assistant Principals, Directors of CTCs, and Supervisors of Special Education
- 13-3 for NTPEs (both non-supervisory and supervisory)
Interim 13 Rating Forms for Professional Employees
According to Act 13, 13-4, Interim Rating forms are optional forms that, if used by an LEA, should be utilized for any interim evaluation of a professional employee (i.e., serving as a classroom teacher, principal, or non-teaching professional) deemed unsatisfactory on the last annual evaluation. The 13-4 Interim rating forms are currently being built into PAETEP and will be available in mid-May. These forms will be accessible via the dropdown within the 13 Rating Form section on each User’s Summary page.
- 13-4 for Teachers
- 13-4 for Building Principals, Assistant Principals, Directors of CTCs, and Supervisors of Special Education
- 13-4 for NTPEs (both non-supervisory and supervisory)
Use PAETEP to Collect the Evidence You Need
Pennsylvania Act 13 requires evidence to be gathered in a number of ways in support of the final effectiveness ratings on the new 13-1, 13-2 and 13-3 forms. As the only teacher evaluation tool that has the requirements built right into the software, PAETEP provides the specific tools and modules needed to collect the necessary evidence with ease! Check out all of the ways you can use PAETEP to address the Act 13 requirements!
Classroom Teacher Rating Form (13-1)
Look at how PAETEP supports the collection of evidence needed for teachers on the 13-1 forms.
Understanding the 13-1 Classroom Teacher Rating Form
Principal Rating Form (13-2)
PAETEP supports the collection of evidence needed for principals and supervisors of Special Education on the 13-2 forms.
Understanding the 13-2 Principal Rating Form
Non-Teaching Professional Rating Forms (13-3)
PAETEP supports the collection of evidence needed for non-teaching professionals on the 13-3 forms.
Understanding the 13-3 Nonteaching Professional Rating Form
Previous PAETEP News and Updates
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Visit Our Case Studies Web Page
We’ve reorganized our Case Studies web page in order to more vividly highlight how our clients are using PAETEP and Comply. Take a look at how your colleagues are using both software tools!