Pennsylvania Act 13 of 2020 has made modifications to the Educator Effectiveness process for the 2021-22 school year. Edulink has updated PAETEP to align with the new requirements at no additional cost to our clients. It has always been our philosophy to keep PAETEP fully compliant with PDE requirements.
The Act 13 changes impact the following areas:
Refreshed Frameworks – PAETEP now links teachers, administrators, and non-teaching professionals to the revised and refreshed frameworks, discussion prompts, and evidence of practice posted on PDE’s SAS Portal. Links to the refreshed frameworks are provided throughout PAETEP. Due to copyright permissions, the specific language is not embedded in the rubric assessment tool. An advantage to this new design is that if/when any of the language or prompts are updated/changed, PAETEP users will always have access to the most current/updated information. Both the teacher and supervisor are able to click on the View Rubric Language link to reference, download, and/or print the refreshed frameworks. We highly recommend that you share these refreshed frameworks with your educators so that they have them in hand when they set goals, plan, teach, and reflect upon their practice. To learn more about the refreshed frameworks and how they connect to users within PAETEP, visit our support article called Educator Effectiveness Refreshed Frameworks.
Student Performance Measure (SPM) Template for Teachers – Under Act 13, PDE has created an optional Student Performance Measure (SPM) – LEA Selected Measure template, which has been built into PAETEP. Teachers can log into PAETEP and complete their SPM action plan and submit it directly to their supervisor for review and approval. Teachers can then return mid-year and end-of-year to provide updates. To learn more about the SPM template within PAETEP, visit our support article called, Getting Started with Student Performance Measures – LEA Selected Measure.
Please note that according to Act 13, the new SPM process may be used in place of the SLO. However, if desired, districts may continue to use the SLO process. PAETEP clients who have the SLO module will also have access to the new SPM, therefore, giving them the option to use either the SPM or SLO with their teachers. In addition to the SPM template, PAETEP now includes the new IEP Goals Progress template for teachers. To learn more about this optional template visit our support article called Getting Started with IEP Goals Progress.
Principal Performance Goals – Under Act 13, an optional evaluation template and process for Principals and Supervisors of Special Education has been created. That template has been built into PAETEP and is available to all clients. To learn more about the PPG, visit our support article called Getting Started with Principal Performance Goals.
13 Rating Forms – Under Act 13, 82 rating forms are now called 13 forms. Not only has the name changed, but the weighted percentages have changed as well. The new 13-1, 13-2,13-3, and 13-4 forms are now available in PAETEP.
Note – The new Student Performance Measure (SPM) template, Principal Performance Goals template, and the refreshed Frameworks are currently posted on PDE’s SAS Portal if you would like to access and review them there.
For a full overview of the changes, view our Act 13 recorded webinar.
Learn more about Act 13 of 2020 and our Do You Have the Tools You Need blog post.
View Act 13 Training Modules and Resources.