The Pennsylvania Department of Education just released the Semi Annual 13-1 and 13-3 forms to be used with Non-Tenured/Temporary Professional Employees. They are now available on the Educator Effectiveness page of the Standards Aligned System (SAS) portal. To learn more, please visit the PDE SAS web page.

The new 13-1 and 13-3 forms are being fully integrated into PAETEP, including all of the calculations/percentages, making it 100% aligned with Act 13 and educator effectiveness. The forms will be available in PAETEP soon!

According to Act 13, Semi-Annual 13-1 and 13-3 forms should be used with Temporary Professional Employees for the 2021-22 school year. Under Act 13, 100% of the final score will come from the Observation and Practice ratings.

  • 13-1 TPE – For the Semi-Annual evaluation of a temporary professional employee serving as a classroom teacher.
  • 13-3 TPE – For the Semi-Annual evaluation of a temporary professional employee serving as a nonteaching professional.

Please reach out to Edulink’s Support team with any questions or contact us to learn how you can start using PAETEP and the new 13 forms within the software!

As the PDE releases the Annual 13-1, 13-2, and 13-3 forms and the 13-4 Interim Rating form, they will be incorporated into PAETEP. We will notify you when they are available.

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