Act 13 Changes for the 2021-22 School Year

Act 13 Changes for the 2021-22 School Year

Pennsylvania Act 13 of 2020 has made modifications to the Educator Effectiveness process for the 2021-22 school year. Edulink has updated PAETEP to align with the new requirements at no additional cost to our clients. It has always been our philosophy to keep PAETEP...
Enhanced Custom Forms Update

Enhanced Custom Forms Update

As a result of recent client surveys, we’ve expanded our Custom Forms Module to enable clients to evaluate all employees and support staff throughout their districts. Upload additional support staff. To begin using this new feature, districts will need to purchase...

How Can PA-ETEP Help?

During this unprecedented time, we understand you are working under a “new normal” and adjusting to teaching and supporting your students and faculty virtually. Edulink is committed to partnering with you to help you through this transition. Provided below are a few...
TPES Report Due January 17, 2020

TPES Report Due January 17, 2020

PDE announced that the annual TPES (Teacher and Principal Evaluation Survey) for the 2018-19 school year is due January 17, 2020.  According to PDE, the submission process for this year’s collection is the same as last year.  The official TPES survey can be found on...